티스토리 뷰


Beauty of Jinju

샬롯도블라도스 2018. 10. 15. 22:53

historical places

great view

enjoyable walk



My husband and I enjoyed walking under the sun and discovered the beauty of Jinju city! As you see we have a wide area of apartments, establishments and green surrounding! We're on top of a hill.



We also visited castle and temple. It was a fun day and I wish to explore more.



This big resting place is relaxing, air is cool and many people stay here as well. If you're tired you can sleep, enjoy a small talk and rest for a while. This is no shoes area, so be sure you wear socks to avoid showing your feet to others. I loved the beauty of Jinju and I look forward to visiting again! Share with loved ones!



They say sometimes these rocks come near each other. This one is part of history and read below.



Come on now, enjoy and share the Beauty of Jinju!
